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Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions

Learn the answers to some common questions. Can't find the answer? Give us a call 877.665.5646

Do I need any physical hardware or digital download?
Best practices for text messaging
Will my contact lists be sold?
Why are my text messages not getting delivered?
What web browser should I use?
Why am I not getting my phone call from CallingPost?
What phone number will appear for CallingPost when we choose CallingPost Caller ID?
I accidentally unsubscribed from emails. How do I re-subscribe?
I have an Excel spreadsheet with my contacts. Can I upload contacts from that file and make them members of my Group? If so, how?
What is a Short Code?
How is a Short Code used?
If I send a group text, will my contacts be charged for those by their carrier?
How can I schedule a future time and date to send a group text to my contacts?
How do I edit a Contact in my Group?
How do I delete a Contact in my Group?
How can I change my current Plan?
How can I pause my plan?
How does sending a Voice Message work?
What will my Opt-In Text look like
What are my options to resend a message to contacts who are not in my status and results detail?
Setting Up your microphone for Voice Messaging
Managing Unwanted Calls and Messages (Including those from CallingPost)