How do CallingPost phone calls work?

Using CallingPost Phone messages

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

CallingPost is here to offer in-depth communication between you and your contacts. In today's world, phones dominate networking between two or more people. Using CallingPost to send phone calls allows you to instantly provide information to a multitude of people quickly and efficiently.

CallingPost's phone calls work as regular phone calls when they are sent to your contacts. A member may answer their phone and listen to a live message or if they are busy, the message can be left on their answering machine for them to retrieve at a later time.

When you open your CallingPost account, you will have multiple ways to create a phone message ranging from your voice to text-to-speech and even upload audio files. You can go ahead and get into an account today and send a few test calls to see how it works.

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