Imagine you need to share important news with your entire soccer team, but you don't have time to call everyone individually. CallingPost phone calls are like a magic button that lets you send a recorded message to everyone at once!
Here's how it works:
Record Your Message: You can use your own voice, type in a message and have it read aloud by our text-to-speech feature, or even upload a pre-recorded audio file.
Choose Your Recipients: Select the group of people you want to receive the call.
Hit Send! CallingPost will deliver your message as a regular phone call to everyone on your list. They can answer live or listen to it later on their voicemail.
It's that simple! Plus, you can track who received the call and who listened to the message.
Why use CallingPost for phone calls?
Reach everyone quickly: No more dialing numbers one by one.
Share urgent updates: Perfect for weather cancellations, last-minute schedule changes, or important reminders.
Add a personal touch: Use your own voice to connect with your group on a deeper level.
Easy and affordable: CallingPost is user-friendly and fits any budget.
Ready to give it a try? Sign up for a CallingPost account and send a few test calls to see how it works!