As of January 1, 2024, the FCC requires verification for all custom toll-free numbers before sending text messages. This industry-wide change ensures compliance and helps protect consumers. Unverified numbers can only be used for outbound caller ID; text messaging will be unavailable.
Key Benefits of Verification:
Legitimacy: Confirms your business as a real entity.
Deliverability: Reduces the chance of your messages being flagged as spam or filtered.
Engagement: Leads to higher member engagement due to increased trust and deliverability.
Understanding the Process:
The verification process focuses heavily on demonstrating how you obtain consent (opt-in) to send text messages. Clear, detailed documentation is essential.
Verification Process: A Step-by-Step Guide
Gather Required Information: Before starting the form, collect all necessary details (see below).
Complete the Form: Fill out the verification form completely and accurately. "N/A" is not an acceptable answer.
Submit the Form: Submit the completed form.
Check Your Status: Monitor the verification status. It can take 12-72 hours.
Activation: Your number must be "Verified" before sending texts.
Information Required for Verification:
Business Information:
Business Name
Physical Address
Website URL
Your Name, Email, Phone Number
Messaging Use Case Information:
Estimated Monthly Message Volume
Opt-in Type
URLs of Opt-in Policy Images/Screenshots
Use Case Categories
Use Case Description
Production Message Sample
Additional Information (Optional): Privacy policies, AUPs, etc
Opt-in Types and Documentation: "click here"
Web Form Opt-in Details:"click here"
Paper Form Opt-in Details: "click here"
VIA_TEXT (Keyword Opt-in) Details: "click here"
MOBILE_QR_CODE Opt-in Details: "click here"
Additional Information (Optional Details):
Verification Statuses:
Pending: Your form has been submitted.
Rejected: Your form needs corrections. You have 6 days to resubmit.
Verified: Your number is approved and ready for texting.
Pro Tip: Prepay for 12 months to avoid service interruptions and potential re-verification.