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Custom/Toll-Free Number Verification: Opt-in Requirements
Custom/Toll-Free Number Verification: Opt-in Requirements

What are acceptable opt-in methods and how to document them for verification

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Updated this week

Custom/Toll-Free Number Verification: Opt-in Requirements

A clear opt-in process is crucial for toll-free number verification. You must demonstrate how you obtain "express written consent" from users before sending them text messages. Here's a breakdown of acceptable opt-in methods and how to document them:

Acceptable Opt-in Types & Required Documentation:

  • VERBAL (e.g., IVR): Provide a written script of the verbal consent request, including:

    • Disclosure of message frequency (e.g., "two messages per month").

    • Notification of message and data rates (if applicable).

    • Instructions for opting out (e.g., "Reply STOP to opt out").

    • Link to your Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

    • Confirmation of the user's affirmative response (e.g., "Yes please").

    • Example: "As part of our service... [full script as provided in your example]"

  • WEB_FORM: Provide the direct URL to the web form where users enter their phone number and explicitly opt in to receive texts. The opt-in checkbox must be selectable by the user and not pre-selected. Screenshot of the form is also acceptable.

  • PAPER_FORM: Provide a scanned copy of the physical form used for in-store opt-ins. The form must clearly state the user is consenting to receive text messages.

  • VIA_TEXT (Keyword Opt-in): Provide details of the keyword campaign, including the keyword, short code (if applicable), and the message users receive when they opt in. Example: "Text JOIN to 12345 to receive updates from John's Coffee Shop."

  • MOBILE_QR_CODE: Provide the QR code image itself. The QR code must link to either:

    • A web form (as described above) or

    • A pre-composed text message with the opt-in keyword.

Opt-in Image URL Requirements:

The "Opt-in Image URL" field requires a publicly accessible link to documentation that clearly demonstrates your opt-in process. This could be:

  • A URL to the web form itself.

  • A URL to a hosted screenshot of the web form.

  • A URL to a hosted image of the paper form.

  • A URL to a document containing the verbal script.

  • A URL to a document containing the QR code.


  • The documentation must match the selected Opt-in Type.

  • The link must be publicly accessible. Do not use links that require login credentials (e.g., Google Drive, private file storage). Host the image/document on your website or a publicly accessible image hosting service.

  • The opt-in must be explicit and separate from other agreements (e.g., terms of service). Users must actively choose to receive text messages.

  • The documentation should clearly show where and how the user provided their phone number and consented to receive texts.

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