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Text keyword Opt-in Details

Understanding the Opt-in process for keywords

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Written by Support Team
Updated this week

Keyword opt-in allows users to subscribe to your text messages by sending a specific word (keyword) to a designated number.

Required Documentation:

  1. Keyword Details: Specify the keyword used (e.g., "COFFEE").

  2. Keyword Location: Explain where the user finds the keyword (e.g., "Displayed on a sign at the register").

  3. Opt-in Process: Describe the complete opt-in process, including the initial keyword message and any confirmation messages. Example: "Customer texts 'COFFEE' to 24251. They receive a message: 'Reply Y to confirm your subscription to John's Coffee Shop updates.' The customer replies 'Y'."

  4. Screenshot/Image: Provide a screenshot or photo showing where the handset texted the keyword and received the Welcome message showing the details.


"Keyword: COFFEE. Displayed on a sign at the register. Customer texts 'COFFEE' to 24251. Confirmation message: 'Reply Y to confirm...' [Screenshots of sign and confirmation message]. [Screenshot of keyword setup in account]."

Sample Image: Used Testcp as the keyword:

NOTE: If you choose VIA_TEXT, you must provide the keyword campaign info in the OptInImageURLs document

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