Why Clear Cache & Cookies?
Sometimes websites don't load correctly or look right on your Android phone or tablet. This is often because your Chrome browser stores old information called "cache" and "cookies." Clearing them usually fixes these issues.
What are Cache & Cookies?
Cookies: These are like small notes that websites leave on your device to remember things about you, like your logins or preferences.
Cache: This is where Chrome stores parts of websites (like images) to make them load faster next time you visit.
How to Clear Cache & Cookies in Chrome (Step-by-Step):
Open Chrome App: Open the Chrome app on your Android phone or tablet.
Go to Clear Browsing Data:
Tap the three vertical dots (More) in the top right corner of Chrome.
Tap "History," then tap "Clear browsing data."
Choose Time Range: At the top, select "All time" from the dropdown menu to clear everything.
Select What to Clear: Make sure the boxes next to "Cookies and site data" and "Cached images and files" are checked.
Clear Data: Tap the blue "Clear data" button.
What to Expect After Clearing:
Sign In Again: You'll probably need to sign in to websites again.
Slower Loading (at first): Websites might load a bit slower the first time because they need to reload images and other content.
Stay Signed In to Google: If you're signed in to Chrome, you'll stay signed in to Google websites (like google.com and youtube.com).
Need Help with Chrome on a Computer?
See our guide for clearing cache and cookies in Chrome on a desktop or laptop computer: Link to desktop Chrome article