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Prep Your Excel Contacts for a Smooth Import
Prep Your Excel Contacts for a Smooth Import

Get Your Contact List Ready in a Flash!

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Written by Support Team
Updated this week

Want to import your contacts into CallingPost without a hitch? Here's how to give your Excel file a quick tune-up:

1. Start Fresh:

  • Copy your contact information (names, phone numbers, emails, etc.) into a brand new Excel sheet. This removes any hidden formatting or code that might cause problems.

  • Bonus Tip: When you copy, choose "Values Only" to paste just the information, not any hidden stuff.

2. Remove Duplicate Rows:

  • Select all your columns.

  • Go to the "Data" tab and click "Remove Duplicates".

  • Make sure all the boxes are checked in the pop-up window, then click "OK".

  • Excel will tell you if it found and removed any duplicates.

3. Spot Duplicate Entries:

  • To check for duplicate phone numbers or emails within your list:

    • Highlight the column with the phone numbers or emails.

    • Go to the "Home" tab, then "Conditional Formatting", then "Highlight Cells Rules", and finally "Duplicate Values".

    • Click "OK". Any duplicates will be highlighted in red.

    • You can then review and delete these duplicate

4. Filter and Sort:

  • Use filters to easily find and fix any remaining issues:

    • Click the filter icon (it looks like a small funnel) at the top of each column.

    • Sort your data to bring any blank or incomplete entries to the top.

    • Review and delete any rows with problems.

5. Clean Up Characters:

  • Sometimes phone numbers have extra characters like +, -, ( ), or spaces. These can cause problems during import.

  • To remove them:

    • Select the column with the phone numbers.

    • Press Ctrl + F to open "Find and Replace."

    • Type the character you want to remove (like "+") in the "Find what" box.

    • Leave the "Replace with" box empty.

    • Click "Replace All."

    • Repeat this for any other characters you need to remove.

That's it! By following these simple steps, you'll have a clean and organized contact list ready for a smooth import into CallingPost.

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